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Member Organizations


  • Any type of disability-related organization for children and youth with support needs that is registered under the Societies Act can be a member of the BCDC, regardless of whether they receive ongoing government funding. 

  • Professional groups and associations can also be members.

  • Member organizations will, wherever possible, make every effort toward increasing representation on their Boards to reflect a minimum 25% representation of individuals with lived experience.  “Lived experience” is defined as being (a) a person with a disability/support needs, (b) the parent/grandparent/caregiver of a person with a disability/support needs, or (c) the sibling of a person with a disability/support needs.  Recognizing the importance of incorporating lived experience within BCDC’s advocacy work, the lived experience representation of member organizations will be reviewed annually and reported out to the membership by the BCDC leadership committee.



Membership Criteria


  • Committed: Member organizations will be represented by individuals who can offer time, resources, and active participation.

  • Aligned: Member organizations should be aligned with BCDC’s purpose, vision, values and scope.

  • Representative: Member organizations will provide diverse representation across the disability sector. 



Membership Process


Nomination and Voting  Process: Organizations that meet the criteria and that voting members believe will add value to the BCDC can be nominated by the existing membership. Organizations who wish to join can also apply. Their application will be reviewed based on the membership criteria and decisions will be made in accordance with BCDC voting procedures, which require a two-thirds majority (66%) for a vote to pass.  


For more information, please review the BCDC's Terms of Reference

Questions about membership? Contact us at

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